Next stage of Brain Floating....

I want to follow up on this last post on Brain Floating. I feel this practice is invaluable to anyone and everyone wanting to find a “way in” to their body consciousness and experience the inate healing capacity therein. Once we have gotten familiar with our patterns and experienced the natural process of slowing down of the Fluid Body, we begin to trust that wisdom and inate healing capacity. We see that this process allows our nervous system to let go and decharge some of our daily stresses, and perhaps experience the phenomenon of our system coming into and centering around some stillness within. This is the wisdom of “Pimary Respiration” doing what It does to reorganize the patterns within our body-mind in order to “become One” with the fluid dynamics of the Whole.

So, once you have experienced some of your patterns through the process of stimulating your system with the exagerated flexion and extension that I demonstrate in the Brain Floating practice, it is not neccessary to always go through that process of stimulating the system. Our systems are already stimulated by simply living our lives… So I suggest that you simply lie down and relax, allowing your body to be supported by your bed or massage table or floor, and relaxing in to the experience of being a fluid body. You will likely witness internal movement as you relax and give time and space for the expression of fluid movement. It is important that you let your mind be spacious; not tracking the movement too minutely… Feel the surface you are lieing on and sense the space in the room… You may also begin to witness the slowing down and settling and perhaps witness a sense of embodied wholeness. It may feel like your whole body is getting heavy… or a tingly sensation spreading throughout your body… or a sense of becoming deeply still and merging with the molecules in the air… You may witness energy or “potency” welling up in a certain area of your body, bringing nourishment and reorginizing this area for healing. Trust the process to take you on an inner journey to become more resourced and relaxed and recharged. It is fine if you fall asleep. You will likely wake up feeling deeply rested. Enjoy the journey!


Brain Floating