Healing Arts, Biodynamic Craniosacral Work, Cranio-sacred Shiatsu,
Tai Chi
Hello! I am a craniosacral therapist and instructor, tai chi instructor, and musician living in Tucson Arizona who loves to help support people on their journey to re-discover their Health and Wholeness.
Fluid Healing is an idea, a lifestyle, a process of developing an awareness of and relationship to our essential fluid nature. Experiencing ourselves- reclaiming ourselves as fluid beings- with the spark of divine intelligence, shifts our perception of ourselves- opening to the potential of adaptability and change and therefore healing.
The offerings on this site represent services and practices that support that potential in us all. I offer trainings of study in craniosacral work, tai chi and qi gong, and bodywork sessions in craniosacral work and shiatsu.
Book a craniosacral session now by calling 520-271-4680.
Sessions with Heidi
Package of 4
Sessions are held at Heidi’s home office
After purchasing, call or email to schedule
Single Sessions
Sessions are held at Heidi’s home office
After purchasing, call or email to schedule